Woke up feeling leaner, yippee! Despite what you may think you CAN get healthy and real results fast. You can see by my meals I haven't been eating like a bird OR counting calories OR eating low fat food, in fact quite the opposite.
GOOD fat DOES NOT make you fat! We NEED it, which is why they care called essential fats. I always make sure at every meal I use some. I cook with coconut oil as much as possible, drizzle extra virgin olive oil over veggies and salads, eat avocado most days and sprinkle toasted seeds over veggies and salads. I would use nuts too but I am allergic :(
Saturated fat also DOES NOT make you fat, providing it is from natural sources, ie animals and coconut. Our bodies can deal with a certain amount as it understands the molecular structure and knows how to process it. You wouldn't have got caveman roasting a wild boar going, 'Ooh I better trim off all the visible fat!'
It's trans and hydrogenated fats that are the problem. Vegetable and seed oils are very highly processed and just get stored as fat in the body. But if you stick to real food and real organic butter occasionally you will automatically stay healthy and lean.
It really isn't rocket science. Eat what mother nature gave us in the form it was grown in or reared, and cut out or limit the stodgy and junk food. I would be a complete hypocrite if I said to never ever eat junk ever. I still eat it, just not all the time. Live the 90/10 rule (healthy eating 90%, junk 10%) not the 10/90!
Intermittent fast and 2 meals, 1 low carb and 1 with small amount of starch.
Broke my fast with my greens supplement in half a litre of water. It's important for the first thing you have to be nutritious. I use Udo's Beyond Greens which is in powder form. You can add to smoothies or I use a closed bottle, shake and swig. Our clients aptly name it 'pond water'. Doesn't look too appetising but really good for you and the taste is bearable...after a few days, lol ;)
Meal 1: an enormous mackerel and pilchard salad with coleslaw and toasted seeds. I even impressed myself with this one. So much colour and life!
I must admit I was fancying something sweet, cakey and biscuity today, but I ignored it and was thankfully too busy to do anything about it so that feeling went away. It was nothing to do with being hungry because I wasn't at all. It was an emotional response because I was feeling a bit down and stressed, and sugar makes us feel good.
I actually thought about how it would make me feel AFTER I ate it. Usually we would feel guilty and annoyed with ourselves. But, as I am doing this blog, I now don't just want to let myself down, but all of you either. Plus I am determined to be beach body ready this summer and I want that more!!
Meal 2: steak, veg, tomatoes and mash
Now I don't usually have white potato that often, but there was some going spare in the house and I was feeling lazy, so a little would be ok, NOT half the plate like some people have!
Fluids: had my quota of water and herbal teas, 2.7 litres :)
Same supplements: fish oils, vit D, greens, zinc
Now, this wasn't so good today :(
With chatting to clients and my colleague in the morning meant I missed my training window. I was going to do a ten minute skipping and core session. I decided I would have to train with my bootcampers later on. I did go for an hour's brisk walk in the park with the dog though so wasn't completely sedentary in the morning.
But, when bootcamp came I was feeling a bit hayfever heady and my legs and body felt heavy. I did bits and bobs in my bootcamp session but my priority are my campers and checking they and their technique is ok, so not a full on training effort from me. But I am not going to get annoyed as I am feeling leaner and healthier and that's the most important thing.
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