Starting to feel leaner again, hurrah! I bombarded you with a lot of info yesterday so going to keep it simple today and just give you my food and training.
Protein banana pancakes. Not had these in ages! I blended 3 eggs with a scoop of protein and a small banana and cooked them in a little coconut oil. Then served with home grown strawberries, pomegranate, toasted seeds and cinammon. OMG yummy, but very filling!
Dinner was a bit of an experiment, but wasn't great. I baked some white fish in chopped tomatoes, red onion, brocolli, cauliflower, green pepper and oregano. It was all a bit dry and chewy, but never mind. You learn from your mistakes.
I didn't feel satisfied after so had some rye bread, cheese and tomato, which did the trick.
Looking at my meals above, they are not green enough! Need to sort that tomorrow.
Green foods, especially the dark leafy ones are the most nutrient dense, packed full of vitamins, minerals and fibre, and more importantly, aid fat loss! So get eating brocolli, kale, spinach, watercress etc.
Workout 1 - ten minute HIIT workout (high intensity interval training)
Mixture of sprints, lunges and core work
Workout 2 - heavy weight training
Legs, shoulders and core. Should be interesting trying to walk tomorrow!
So plan is to keep going...keep eating clean fresh food, what mother nature gave us, stay active, get out of breath and leave the pink fluffy weights on the floor.
And remember...
Doing a workout and then treating yourself to a muffin or chocolate bar is not the way forward! Find non-food related treats such as a new top or a massage or something :)
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