Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Day 16 - feeling like lead

Felt tired and heavy this morning. Think not getting to bed till 11.30pm, my body still ridding itself of the sugar plus recovery from the heavy weight training yesterday afternoon was taking it's toll.

Getting to bed by 10-10.30pm on as many night's as possible really helps you get the recovery and re-generation your body needs. 

Certain hormonal processes happen overnight. Between 10pm and 2am is when physiological repair takes place, and between 2am and 6am is when psychological repair takes place. 

The diagram below illustrates a normal sleep/wake cycle, then what most people's actually looks like.

(Taken from How to eat move and be healthy - Paul Chek)


So if you don't get to bed till late, all your repair has to squish into a short space of time so therefore you cannot heal fully. Over time this leads to an impaired immune system so more susceptible to colds and illness, muscle aches and niggles.

When I started to get to bed earlier I cannot tell you how much more awake and alert I was each day. Coupled with cutting down on sugars and starches and eating real food I can honestly say this is the best I have EVER felt! 

The trouble is most people just don't know how much better they can feel because they have never experienced it! many people just don't make the connection between what they eat, drink and how much sleep they do or don't get. 

Many people are still struggling with their weight and health on a daily basis and just keep popping pills and tablets to alleviate various symptoms, when all they need to do is eat real food, drink water and sleep. Sounds stupidly simple doesn't it, so why don't more people do it? 

We have been bombarded with so much mis-information from tv advertising, food manufacturers, supermarkets and the pharma industry we just recognise all this stuff as the norm. It never used to be this way and strangely it's only since it has been this way that the nation is getting fatter and sicker.

Little old me and the nation of trainers and coaches do not have enough power to over-ride the junk food and drug industry, which are BIG business. It's in their best interest to keep everyone fat and sick, otherwise they don't make money.

So, it's up to myself and the other trainers to help educate all of you into the truth as we know it, and help you make better choices to help you shed fat and improve your health so you don't get sick.

And it is my belief that the principles that will never change (methods are many) will help you get there.

The 10 Principles (from our free ebook download, The Optimisation Plan)

1. Drink water - 1 litre for every 50lbs bodyweight
2. Eat protein - with every meal
3. Have early nights - bed at 10-10.30pm as much as possible
4. Eat good fat - avocado, coconut oil/milk, olive oil, nuts, seeds
5. Cut out wheat and sugar - it promotes fat storage and disease
6. Move your body - exercise and be active
7. Eat only when you are hungry - not just for the sake of it
8. Reduce stress - high levels means fat burning hormones switch off
9. Get organised - planning is key to success
10. Eat real food - what mother nature gave us, not processed junk

These all sound simple, but they are just not second nature. Even if you picked a couple of the above and consciously focused on them for at least 3 weeks, they are more likely to become permanent habits. Don't give up if you fail, keep trying. All new things take time to master.


Intermittent fast today of 17 hours so my first meal was a no fruit smoothie. All low carb again today. This is more of a get lean strategy along with the fasting. But, I find my energy levels are fine with occasional starchy food each week.

Snack: Try to avoid snacking but felt like I needed one. Had some green pepper and hummus, toasted seeds...and some cheddar cheese, which I don't eat that often but just fancied a bit.

Dinner: home-made buffalo mince, red onion and cumin mini burgers with steamed green veggies drizzled in olive oil.


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